Saturday, May 4, 2013

Kebab Cravings....World Class Persian Kebab

 96 Quezon Avenue
Saturday lunchtime no crowds
No posts for a while as the schedule was jam packed and at the evenings I was too lazy to blog. So its another Saturday of attending to a surgery , rounds on ward patients and clinic patients. before I knew it, lunchtime was here. Hmmmm...what should I eat? The kids were not around so I can forgo the usual noodle and soup requirements. Aha! I want to eat kebab!

Normally I would troop to West avenue or technohub for my kebab fix but hey, time to try something new! After some internet search, I decided on World Class Persian Kebab at Quezon Avenue. I passed this place so many times but I never noticed this kebab place. It was near work, the reviews were good and with my secretary, we looked for this place . Its along Quezon Ave and near Pantranco and Roxas. There is 2-3 car parking in front. The place was near empty on Saturday lunchtime.

Hummus pho 50; Pita Bread Php 10 @

It was past 12nn and we decided to order hummus and a piece of pita bread as appetizer while waiting for our other orders. The hummus was ok but I still prefer the motabal with its smoky eggplant taste.

watermelon Shake php 40

For our drinks, I decided on watermelon shake while Annalyn went for the usual soda.

Condiments: Garlic Yoghurt , Chili sauce

We were the one of the two table that were occupied and our orders came just as we had the last bite of the pita bread! Talk about great timing!
Chelo Kebab (beef) with Basmati Rice php 160

Chelo Morgh (Chicken) with Jasmine Rice php160

The Beef Chelo kebab was good. My only complaint is that it was a bit bland. A few sprinkles of salt solved the problem quickly.

The Chelo Morgh (chicken ) was the same. Both were served wih a heapful of rice. You can choose between Jasmine or beryani rice. There is a dollop of unsalted butter that is on top of the rice.

Plain Keema php 60

The plain keema was just ground beef sauteed in tomato and onion. Although this was tasty I like Mister kebab's keema..


For all our orders, the bill came up to a flat 500php. Not bad. Both of us were stuffed to the max and my rice loving lunch date was happy with her carbo loading! Will be back to try their other dishes like the lamb and ox brain!

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